Thieme Publishing Group, 丸善雄松堂(株)共催
About the Online Symposium
This online symposium is about the effects on libraries from the global pandemic and the consequential trends in learning. The crisis caused by Covid 19 had a tremendous impact on libraries around the world. In particular, the way of learning has changed. The pandemic can also be seen as a catalyst for the trends of modern learning. More lectures are being held online. Students and scientists could not visit the libraries anymore due to lockdowns. Seminars are organized as blended learning events or are presented completely online. As a consequence, libraries had to cope with the pandemic effects while providing scientific resources predominantly online at the same time.
What to expect from the Online Symposium
The online symposium will discuss the effects of the pandemic on the libraries and how the new trends in learning will influence us in the future. Key questions will be discussed which are paramount for the future developments of libraries. A keynote speaker from an Australian library will share valuable insights about this topic. Two Japanese librarians will be interviewed to gain more interesting knowledge about this topic. There will be also live polls available, so the audience can give their opinion and feedback during the session. The audience is cordially invited to ask the keynote speaker and the interview partners any kind of question during this session.
Please do not miss the chance to participate in this interesting event as this topic will definitely influence your library as well. If you like, we would be delighted to get also your feedback on the questions discussed. Your input is always very welcome. We look forward, meeting you during our session!

About Thieme
Thieme is a German publisher located in Stuttgart, Germany. The company was founded in 1886 and is today the leading medical publisher in the German speaking market. Thieme publishes also highly evaluated information about synthetic and general chemistry. The company is privately held and family owned. Thieme leads on a global scale in topics like Neurosurgery, Endoscopy, Orthopedic and Plastic Surgery, Otolaryngology, Radiology and many more specialties.
Philip Kent氏 Librarian, University of Sydney
富田 麻子 氏 日本医科大学中央図書館/日本医学図書館協会理事(学術情報コンソーシアム担当)/日本医学図書館協会 ヘルスサイエンス情報専門員
北川 正路 氏 東京慈恵会医科大学学術情報センター 課長
大西 里奈 氏 Sales Associate, Thieme Publishing Group
Dirk Fingerhut氏 Sales Manager, Thieme Publishing Group